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Latest 20/20 Onsite News: From expansion to philanthropy to award nominations, you never know where we might pop up! 

20/20 Onsite Receives Safety Excellence Award

Vision Monday – 3/17/2025

Bringing 20/20 vision to the office

Employee Benefits News – 2/14/2020

Screen Time Takes Toll on Workers' Eyes

Society for Human Resource Management – 2/10/2020

APS Partnership Brings Mobile Eye Exams to Schools

WABE 90.1 - Atlanta's NPR Station – 03/03/17

Concierge vision service increases eye exams, productivity

Employee Benefit News (EBN) – 2/26/17

Want an Eye Exam for Your Employees?

OnSiteClinics.Org – 1/3/17

Examen visual y lentes gratis para estudiantes

Noticias Nueva Inglaterra – 8/9/16


Read Eyes On Research

Don't miss out on the latest updates in clinical research from our experts. Check out our life sciences blog, Eyes on Research, now.


Top Companies Choose 20/20 Onsite

We have nearly a 100% retention rate year-to-year among our 450+ clients, and 97% of our 85,000+ patients would recommend our service. 

But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership.


Get in Touch

If you have questions or would like to speak to our team, we'd love to hear from you!