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How to Protect Your Eyes: Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Injuries

Christine Culgin


Ivan Quiroz


By Cara Jennings

We constantly strive to provide the most efficient and convenient service right to your (office) doorstep. Here are just a few of the ways that we've improved our user experience so your employees... Read More

The Clear Road to Vision Care

By Cara Jennings

Caught taking the long road again? 2020 On-site waits in traffic for your employees, so they can spend more time doing what they love. Employees make sure to get their annual eye exam and your... Read More

3 Perks Trends You Need to Know

By Cara Jennings

If your job function pertains to employee wellness and health, we have some important takeaways you won't want to miss from the 2017 PERKS conference. On May 18th, several of our visionaries headed... Read More

17 Companies Killing the "Work Perk" Game

By Cara Jennings

Around the world, companies are taking initiative to keep employees happy and healthy at work, something that’s critical to retention and productivity. Not every company can do huge perks, but every... Read More

Uncertain of Your Role in the Future Workplace?

By Kate Quinn

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13 Takeaways from the MBGH Forum on Wellness and Wellbeing

By Christine Culgin

Last week, on January 26th, 3 of our visionaries headed west for the Midwest Business Group on Health's (MBGH) Employer Forum on Wellness and Wellbeing. It’s a bit of a mouthful to say, but we we... Read More

12 Foods that Benefit Your Eyes

By Camila Garcia

When we think of foods that improve eyesight, the first thing that pops into our mind is a carrot. These usually orange root vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, beta carotene and rhodopsin, which... Read More

8 Things You'll Find on Our Mobile Vision Centers

By Christine Culgin

Unless you work for 2020 On-site Optometry, “mobile vision center” probably isn’t a term you hear every day. We’re on a mission to change that, but in the meantime we want you to know what to expect... Read More