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The Pulse of HR: An Industry Report

Christine Culgin

8 Things You'll Find on Our Mobile Vision Centers

Christine Culgin

How Corporate Healthcare Went from Bland to Breakthrough

By Christine Culgin

Corporate healthcare is certainly no easy topic to handle. To some, it may seem like a rather dull industry, and maybe that used to be true. But being a healthcare startup in 2016, we’ve seen a lot... Read More

Things Seen at PERKS Convention 2016

By Christine Culgin

Just when we thought we’d seen it all in the benefits sphere….we went to PERKS, and were quickly proven wrong. The Perks Convention is an annual trade show and networking event that brings together... Read More

#BuildingBriliance: An Overview of SHRM Atlanta, Through the Eyes of 2020

By Christine Culgin

While we had an amazing time representing 2020 On-site Optometry at the SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Atlanta conference, we had an even better time connecting and listening to... Read More

Through Employees' Eyes: Wellness Initiatives that Engage

By Christine Culgin

A 2014 Gallup study reported that only 24% of employees at companies that offer wellness programs actually participate in it*. So this number demonstrates that wellness programs just aren’t worth the... Read More

This January, Make a Resolution That's Easily Kept: A New Employee Benefit

By Christine Culgin

Having trouble finding an open machine at the gym? Is your weekly spin class suddenly the place to be? Must be January. All jokes aside, this is a great time to take a fresh look at what your... Read More

Why a Mobile Health Clinic?

By Christine Culgin

Some typical thoughts you might have regarding a traditional doctor’s visit: "It’s been a while...I really need to schedule that doctor’s appointment." “I can’t even remember the last time I... Read More

Top 3 Reasons To Use Mobile Health

By Christine Culgin

It’s difficult for a person to find the time needed to schedule any kind of doctor’s appointment, let alone an appointment with their eye doctor. As one of the five senses, people know that vision is... Read More