Competition for top talent will be continue to be fierce this year, only more so. You can expect companies to adopt these trends to stay ahead of the curve and increase efficiency.
- Unique Benefits: There will continue to be creative thought around benefits to develop robust, competitive packages. Think on-site services and flexibility.
- Technology: Technology will make things more customized and automated - think chatbots and integrated systems. Data analytics will also be key for recruiting.
- Utilizing Internal Resources: A referral from within is powerful, so employers will be encouraging and incentivizing them. However that assumes the retention of happy employees, which leads to…
- Culture & Engagement: Happy employees make good employees who, in turn, attract other great talent. Today’s workforce looks for a personality fit in a company, and for employers that have created a comfortable, positive environment with clear paths for professional progress.
Rethinking Performance Reviews: Expect a shift to more regular (versus annual) evaluations that are more personal, less formal, and involve more people (i.e. 360 degree feedback).
- Corporate Wellness: This will continue to be a focus, with two agendas: a healthier workforce that incur lower healthcare costs, and higher employee satisfaction.
- Improving the Candidate Experience: The employer no longer has all the power, with the candidate forced to sit and wait. Recruiters will want to exhibit positivity throughout the process - personalized, timely check-ins and thoughtful updates, including rejections.
- Diversity: Companies will be looking to employ people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and leveling any gender gaps in order to create a more balanced culture.
- Rise in Freelancers: As a means to reduce personnel costs, employers will be looking to freelancers and contractors more for those specific needs that don’t arise everyday.
- Video: The rise of interactive videos in recruiting and interviewing strategies will add a nice personal touch and show a human side of the organization.
Keep a eye out for these HR trends in 2017. We can't wait to see what else this year has in store for us!
You might also be interested our eBook, The Rise of Innovation of Corporate Healthcare, where we interview an expert from Willis Towers Watson about the past, present, and future of creativity in this field.